Advent & Christmas

Worship Services

Lessons & Carols Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 8th | 11:00 AM Worship Service | Sanctuary

Service led by our children and choirs.

Carols by Candlelight
Sunday, December 15th | 6:00 PM | Sanctuary

Christmas Eve Services

Tuesday, December 24th in-person or on tv/virtually

  • Watch our broadcast-only service on Comcast Cable TV Channel 21 at 5:00 PM. You can also catch it at 5:00 PM or any time after on our website at We encourage you to gather bread and juice for communion and some candles to join us as we light them.
  • Join us for our in-person services which include communion and candlelight.
    • 3:00 PM | First Pres Deutsch in the Westervelt-Warner Chapel
    • 5:00 PM | Sanctuary (nursery available for families with young children but all ages are welcome to attend the Worship Service)
    • 11:00 PM | Sanctuary

Advent Devotionals

Join us in our Good News, Great Joy Devotions for Advent & Christmas 2024-2025
Pick up a printed copy at the church or click the button below to purchase a copy to read on your Kindle/Nook/Tablet.

Good News, Great Joy explores, shares, and celebrates that joyous good news by continuing a centuries-old Christian tradition of setting aside time to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth and to anticipate his return. The Advent season of preparation then unfolds in the joy of the twelve days of Christmas and the day of Epiphany. Each day is marked with a scripture reading, a “To Ponder” section, a reflection, and a prayer from Dec 1 to Jan 6. Take a moment each day to pause, breathe, reflect, and connect with the joy of the season, either alone or gathered together. 

Good News, Great Joy is available in pocket sized, large print, and ebook.

We encourage families with children to pick up a packet of children’s activities to go along with this devotional book so that the whole family can read through it together.

Advent Devotional E-Book

How To Use Your Devotional

Advent Devotionals for Young Families

Engage and inspire all age groups with this charming devotional booklet designed especially for families. Think, pray, talk about and anticipate the birth of our Savior together.

The good news of great joy is here for all people—the Messiah is born. Let us reflect. Let us anticipate. Let us rejoice! Written by author Emily Jaminet especially for the Advent season, this devotional and activity booklet encourages creativity and even offers free downloadable coloring pages that families may print out and use at home.


Help make our Sanctuary festive during Advent. Purchase a poinsettia in memory or in honor of a loved one for $15 each by December 10th. Payment must accompany your order. The poinsettias may be picked up after the Christmas Eve services. Fill out the form below or fill out the form in the Sunday bulletin and drop it along with your payment in the offering box.


Other Advent Activities

UKirk Christmas Party

Sunday, December 3rd | 6:30 PM | Home of Shelley Hancock

Wednesday Night Live: Cookie Decorating & Perry County Food Bag Packing
Wednesday, December 4th | 6:00 PM | Westervelt-Warner Chapel at FPC

Children's Advent Workshop

Sunday, December 1st, 15th, and 22nd | 9:45 AM | FPC Rooms 202 & 203

Stillman College Annual Candlelight Christmas Concert

Sunday, December 8th | 6:00 PM | Birthright Alumni Hall, Stillman Campus

Young Women's Bible Study Christmas Party

Wednesday, December 11th | 6:30 PM | Home of Jana Henry

Mature Members' Christmas Luncheon to Bright Star
Wednesday, December 11th | Depart at 10:15 AM, Dine at 11:30 AM | Bright Star Restaurant

Sanctuary Choir Christmas Caroling

Thursday, December 12th | 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM | Crimson Village

Christmas Caroling & Communion to Homebound
Sunday, December 22nd | 12:00 PM | Meet in Dining Hall at FPC for Lunch

Youth Christmas Progressive Dinner
Sunday, December 15th | 4:00 PM | Youth Room at FPC

Youth Christmas Lock-In

Sunday, December 22nd | 5:00 PM - 8:00 AM | Family Life Center at FPC

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...