FPC Session Notes Stated Meeting - July 22, 2024

FPC Session Notes

Session approved the following action items:

Session voted to commission Forest Wilson, Jacqueline Morgan, and Jill Cilimberg as Commissioned Elders to represent FPC at the August 15th meeting of the Presbytery.  Session voted to accept Jill Cilimberg as the permanent Elder to represent FPC at the Presbytery for one year.  The Presbytery meets 4 times a year.  

Session received a letter from Stillman College requesting consideration of a donation to support a project to renovate 308 dormitory rooms that are in need of updating and repair.  A donation in the amount of $5,000 (or any amount) was encouraged by the “Renovate a Room” campaign.  Session was in favor of referring the request to Finance/Endowment for evaluation.  In June, the Presbyterian Women of FPC contributed $250 to this campaign.  

There were no committee business action items before Session.  

Finance:  John Summerford reported the financial condition of FPC through June (see financial table) with income and expenses under budget we are in a net expense position of $ (38,428).  Income is below budget through June ($76,805) and expenses are under budget by ($38,377).  Giving typically slows during the summer months and we are hopeful to catch up soon.  He also reported that our insurance renewal had come in significantly higher than anticipated in the budget and after negotiations we would need to find an additional $17,000 over the renewal period.

Elder Summerford reported Jordan Plaster had met with the Finance Committee to review the performance and answer specific questions regarding the endowment portfolio. The portfolio has performed well over the past twelve months (15.67%) and had an ending balance at 7/12/24 of $8,078,334.  

Mission:  Gaines Brake reported that 125 backpacks were packed by volunteers on Sunday, July 21st during the Sunday School hour in Warner Hall for donation to RC Hatch Elementary in Uniontown.  

Preschool:  Construction of the new Pre-K classrooms is underway and good progress continues.  

Next Stated Meeting:  Monday, August 26, 2024, at 5:30 pm.

Current Membership of FPC:  763

Next Scheduled Communion:  August 4, 2024

Next Presbytery: August 15, 2024 | Mountain Brook Pres. Church

3405 Brookwood Rd, Mountain Brook, AL 35223