First Presbyterian Church has a mission to Perry County. The mission
focuses on providing material needs such as shoes and school supplies to
our Perry County partners. For instance, First Pres is partnering with
Robert C. Hatch School in Uniontown in Perry County, Alabama.
The Mission Committee invites
parishioners to donate classroom supplies and put them in the Perry
County School Supply Drive bin in Warner Hall until Sunday, August 28.
This is the second year we are partnering with the CHOICE ("Choosing to
Help Others in Our Community Excel") non-profit organization founded by
Uniontown native Emefa Butler.
The teacher supply list includes:
Copy Paper, Construction Paper, #2 Pencils, Electronic Pencil Sharpener,
Calculators, Black Ink Pens, Red Ink Pens, Markers, Crayons, Sticky
Notes, Glue Sticks, Dry Erase Markers & Erasers, Sharpie Markers,
File Folders (Manilla Folders), Scissors, Masking Tape, Colored Pencils,
Stapler & Staplers, Stapler Remover, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer,
Disinfecting Wipes, Ziploc Bags (gallon & quarts), Paper Towels,
Lysol Spray, 2 pocket folders.
For more information contact Perry County Mission Committee Chair, Tommy Smith (contact the church office if you need Tommy's contact info).