The story of God at work in the world, in our lives, and in our church continues!!! We are so blessed by being included in the unfolding story which God is writing. The warm memories and treasured experiences we have at FPC are evidence of that blessing and reason for sincere gratitude. But not only are we included in this story, God calls us all to play a part in the story, as well. To faithfully answer that call and ensure the story continues, we must all commit to playing our part.
Part of that commitment is giving to support the church financially. This Stewardship season every member of the church is invited to consider carefully what part they are being called to play. With an increase in activities over the last few years and plans to be fully-staffed soon, your pledge is needed more than ever. Please consider increasing your pledge to match the increasing activity and needs.
Make your pledge online today by clicking below or fill out a pledge card at church. You can also call Administrator Jackie Joiner and make your pledge over the phone. THANK YOU for your faithful support of First Presbyterian Church!
The story continues… Will you play your part???
To learn more about the ways to pay your pledge, click here. You can use cash, check, credit/debit cards, Google Pay, or PayPal.