A nursery is available during both the 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services as well as during the Sunday School hour.

Bring your infant through 3 year-old child(ren) to the Preschool hallway and sign them in (and out) on the cart outside the “Pelican” classroom.

Please note any allergies or special needs using the stickers provided on the cart.


  1. Leaving your child can sometimes be difficult for the child and the parent, so be sure to bring any comfort items your child may need. 
  2. Make sure that all items belonging to your child are labeled with her/his name, including bottles, wipes, pacifiers, diaper bag, etc.
  3. Always register your child and make sure the childcare worker knows which diaper bag goes with your baby.
  4. Give written instructions for feedings, allergies, etc.
  5. Fill out a sticker name-tag for your child and place it on his/her back.
  6. Your baby may cry when you leave, but she/he will soon stop. Try to avoid having your child see you until you are ready to pick him/her up.