LOGOS is a weekly intergenerational experience for PreK4-5th Graders that creates an arena where all ages, together, can learn about, experience, and practice the art of Christian relationships, critical for developing life-long disciples. 

LOGOS Fall 2024 Registration

Come celebrate the new school year at Mason’s Place in Sokol park for Pizza in the Park on Wednesday, September 4th 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. We'll have a LOGOS parent meeting the following week in the Chapel on Wednesday, September 11th at 5:30 PM (the first day of LOGOS).


Mission Statement

LOGOS models the early church in Acts 2:42, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” by providing intentional time and space for generations to learn and grow together through Bible study, a shared meal, worship arts, and recreation.

When & Where

LOGOS at First Presbyterian Church of Tuscaloosa is offered in the Fall & Spring semesters each year on Wednesdays from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM for 1st - 5th Graders (3:00 PM - 5:30 PM for PreK4 & Kindergarteners). The Fall program begins on the Wednesday after Labor Day and concludes with a Lessons & Carols worship service at 11:00 AM on the first or second Sunday in December. The Spring program begins the first Wednesday that city schools return to their classrooms in January and concludes with a special worship service planned by our 5th graders on the Wednesday before Spring Break.