Just as Jesus commanded his disciples following his resurrection, we too as disciples of Christ are being sent into the world to be a part of God’s mission. As God’s hands and feet, we understand that we are called to mission in partnership where we walk alongside others in need, showing mutual respect and trust while embracing our mutual brokenness as we discern God’s call together.
In Luke’s gospel chapter 24, verses 13-31, the disciples on the road to Emmaus did not recognize Jesus until they had walked and talked with him and finally shared a meal together. Only then - as Jesus blessed the bread and gave it to them - did they recognize him.
It is in stepping out into the world
forming what the World Mission body of the Presbyterian Church(USA)
calls “communities of mission practice” that we discover how the love of
God works through and among us. Our church motto, “serving Christ from
the Heart of Tuscaloosa,” indicates the path we attempt to follow in
recognizing Jesus in ourselves and others.